Make a Fake Virus

This fake virus is a shortcut that can be made to look like a normal icon. It triggers either a shutdown or restart of the computer. It can be set on a timer and you can make it state a comment. These are all different types of Fake Virus

step 1Creating the Shortcut

Step 1: Start at the Desktop.
Step 2: Right click on desktop, go to New, then over to Shortcuts and click.
Step 3: This widow should open. In the box type ~shutdown -s -t 3600 -c "Warning"~ without the ~'s then hit Next
-s means to shutdown, type -r instead to restart the computer
-t means time, the number means how many seconds till the computer shutsdown or restarts, the number can be changed
-c means comment, it will show up as a message while the timmer counts down it can also be changed, must be put in "quotes"
Step 4: Type in what ever you want the Fake Virus to be named. Then click Next 

step 2Edit the Fake Virus

Step 1: Right click on the fake virus. Select Properties.
Step 2: Go to the Shortcut tab. Click on "Change Icon".
Step 3: If this window pops up click OK.
Step 4: Select any picture you want.
Step 5: Click OK.
Step 6: Click OK again. 

step 3What the Fake Virus does

Step 1: Double click on the Fake Virus.
Step 2: A window pops up and says what you typed in for the comment and the time you set and starts counting down.
Step 3: To abort the shutdown; Click Start and click Run.
Step 4: Type in ~shutdown -a~ without the ~'s. This means shutdown abort. Click OK and the shutdown window will disappear and the shutdown will have been aborted.

step 4Alterations to the Fake Virus

Step 1: You can make it look like a My Computer icon by right clicking on the icon, click rename and name it My Computer and change the icon to the My Computer icon. Refer to the Step 2 tab to see how to change the icon.
Step 2: You could also rename it My Documents and change the icon to the My Documents icon.
The options are limitless.

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